High quality roofing materials to keep you safe and comfortable

I`ve been working in a roofing business for almost two decades doing plenty of repairs (among other jobs). I`ve seen time and again, what heavy wind or hailstorm can do to the covering that was made of poor quality materials. That wasn`t something I would have ever offered to my customers. I considered such attitude toward the job unprofessional at the least and downward harmful at the most. After all nobody wants the roof to be blown away or to collapse over one`s head. But sometimes the problem isn`t only unconscientious contractor but also homeowner cutting corners and going cheap. That conclusion made me thinking of finding resistant yet affordable product. I always loved working with metal roof panels and considered them the best material ever. They can take a lot of use and abuse from the weather and still stay in great shape. Unfortunately, you cannot say that there are affordable. At least I thought so until I got my hands on Worthouse metal roofing.

metal roofing panels on my roof

Metal roof panels for a lifetime

I`ve seen some samples of Worthouse products and instantly appreciated the quality and design. Even more so when I read all of the specs and ratings, saying that these metal roof panels are almost anything proof. Moreover, I loved manufacturer idea of adding predrilled holes for easy assembly. I quickly noticed that there was much less waste (exactly as advertised, no exaggeration here) than with panels I`ve been using so far. That translated into lower cost of the roofs installation, which makes metal panels more affordable choice. Well, the upfront price still cannot compare with asphalt shingles (actually nothing could) but such superb quality is definitely worth its price. Particularly, when it`s able to outlast almost every type of roofing and doesn`t require much care and maintenance along the way. I couldn`t wish for better metal roof panels than those from Worthouse.

roof made by metal roofing manufacturers