What Exactly Is Tuckpointing Chicago, IL?

When you replace old mortar with new mortar it is called tuckpointing Chicago.Often the mortar is color-matched to the bricks used. The old crumbly mortar is dug out to the required depth and the gap filled with new mortar. Extreme Tuckpointing Chicago has the experts with the knowledge and experience to assess the required work to deliver the best results.


When is Tuckpointing Chicago Required?

Some of the signs that your mortar is damaged are easy to see. Damaged mortar no longer protects the material and allows moisture to seep into the brick or stone masonry. Flaking or crumbling masonry is a tell-tale sign. An easy test is to drag a key across the bricks and look for powdered residue. Dry mortar will not produce any scratches. If you see powdered brick dust it is time to call in our tuckpointing contractors Chicago for an assessment that includes your chimney.