How To Choose The Most Durable Hardwood Flooring Chicago, IL

Are you planning on installing hardwood flooring for your home in Chicago? One of the most important things you have to decide is the best type of hardwood floor for your home. With a lot of options, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. To help you decide, A Floor Clinic Hardwood Flooring Chicago can help you. 


  A hardwood material has a durability that is measured on a hardness scale. The higher the number of the scale, the more durable the wood is. For instance, Eastern White Pine has a hardness rating of 420, making it one of the softest hardwood species. Patagonian Rosewood has 3840 making it one of the durable materials in the market. Another common hardwood material is White Oak that has a rating of 1360. If you have a pet at home or a lot of foot traffic, you can consider getting Hickory, Maple, and Oak.